I Wrote A Book!

From Seed To Bloom is the culmination of over 18 months work and I’m so excited to finally share it with you! But it’s more than just the last 18 months too, it’s everything I’ve learnt over the last decade of working with flowers and from the last five years of farming with them- I’ve poured it all into these pages. 

So you probably want to know what’s in it! I wanted to write a book that celebrates the intimate relationship between the gardener and the garden. A book that lays out in the simplest and easiest terms how to grow a garden from scratch- be it in windowsills, containers or in the ground. A book to hold your hand through all the jobs of the growing year. A book that breaks down floral design in a useful way. A book that highlights sustainable design mechanics and encourages the reader to create with whatever their season brings and in their own individual style. A book that will fill anyone and everyones life with flowers.

This is the most intimate thing I’ve ever written, and being a lover of words I’ve included a number of essays about the lessons I’ve learned from the garden on love, grief, hope and celebration. Along with photos from my favourite photographer Éva Németh (who, incidentally was the very best, loveliest, and funnest person to work with), it has turned out to be more beautiful than I ever could’ve imagined. On top of the in-depth planning, growing, harvesting and design principle guides, there are 16 step-by-step design projects- including eight seasonal bouquets, and eight seasonal show-stopper designs that range from large urns, to clouds to archways. And then there are 23 design inspirations and ideas using specific varieties that span all the seasons too. It’s packed, ambitious, practical, and beautiful and I love how it’s turned out. I hope you do too. 

The launch and release is scheduled for May/June 2022, and you can pre-order now- from me if you’re in England, Scotland or Wales, and from Waterstones, Target, or Amazon if you are a further away friend. As we get closer to publication date, I will be sharing more news on the treats that will be offered to ALL pre-orders- no matter where you choose to purchase from, and instructions on how to claim them. There will be plenty of the behind the scenes images and footage shared too, some excerpts from the book, and a bit about the writing and shooting process from start to finish- with all the most challenging and hysterical moments included. Thanks for being on this ride with me.

With much love and gratitude, 

Milli x

ps. For those of you here for the seed shop, that will be opening again by the end of the month and you newsletter subscribers will be notified with a 24 hour prior access to browse and shop.


Workshops, a Trailer & Notes on Spring

